Ashley January is an oil painter. After going through a traumatic delivery of her son, she decided to channel it into her art. Her oil portraits depict fellow survivors and aim to raise awareness of the growing crisis of black maternal and morbidity rate in the United States. She joins Emily to discuss this issue, her own experience with preeclampsia, and how she uses art to create positive change around birth equity.
This week’s spotlight: March of Dimes
Ashley’s Recs:
Reproductive Injustice: Racism, Pregnancy and Premature Birth by Dána-Ain Davis
Atypical on Netflix
Cerebral Women Podcast
Ashley January: LinkedIn / Website / @ashleyjanart
Who’s Missing?: @whosmissingpodcast
Emily Drake: @emdrake
Hosted by: Emily Drake
Edited by: Garrett Schultz
Created & Produced By: Emily Drake, Christina Reis, Christine Vrem-Ydstie